Prepare Thy Shields

by | Lessons in Woo

When doing magical work or intense meditation or if you have uncovered your empathic abilities, one of the most important tools in your arsenal is your psychic shield. Though it’s not difficult make or maintain, it can be a bit tricky.

A lot of books suggest creating an egg or bubble of white light. So that’s where we’re going to begin. Here’s the plan, read until you get to the stars, do the exercise, and then continue. Take as long as you need. The words aren’t going anywhere. Ready?

Start by going into a meditation and imagine a great white bubble or egg surrounding you. It can descend on to you or you can build it up from the ground. Make sure the walls are thick so that no unwanted energy can reach you but it’s permeable enough that love and prayers come through. When you feel the shield is ready, keep it in place and open your eyes and continue reading.


Let’s try a little experiment? Using both hands, measure the distance between your body and your shield. Measure everywhere, including the shield at your feet and above your head. Get a good physical sense of where it is in space.


All done? How many of you reached behind you? Was your back covered by your bubble? No? Then you don’t have a shield. You have a hospital gown.

The solution was taught by one of my dearest friends and teachers, Rev. Kathy N. Her idea was to use a suit of armor, a space suit, or an old-style diving suit to make sure that every part of you is covered. Choose an outfit that covers your whole body, including a face mask, helmet, and gloves. It’s time to go back to meditation.

Once you are comfortable in your meditation, imagine walking into the place you go to dress in the morning. There, in the closet, is a suit. It’s the most wonderful thing you’ve ever seen. Now it’s time to put it on.

Begin with the pants. You pull them on and fasten them. They are amazing! You can move and breathe and they make your tush look incredible.

Now put on the socks and the boots. Tuck your pants into the boots so your legs are completely covered. Notice, as you watch, that the space between the items melds together. Nothing to worry about, because, now, they feel more like the feetsie pajamas you wore as a kid.

Time for the jacket or coat and the gloves. Everything fits perfectly. As you move, the suit moves. No tight places, no bagging, nothing that would make you go to the racks for a bigger/smaller size. Close the jacket. Don’t worry about the temperature outside. If its hot, the suit will stay cool and vis-a-versa when its cold out.

Now to cover your neck. You can use a cowl, or a scarf, or there might be a standing collar on your jacket or coat. Whichever it is, just make sure that your entire neck is covered. Your helmet might serve this purpose too, so let’s put it on. Lower the face mask. Don’t worry, from your side, it’s completely clear. Colors aren’t distorted and shapes and lines remain perfectly crisp. And if, like me, you wear glasses; the helmet is sized to accommodate those too.

Stretch and see how well this suit fits. All parts of you are covered – top to bottom and back to front.

Next, state the shield’s purpose. Something like: “This is my shield. It protects me from negative energies, regardless of their sources. It allows love and prayers and messages from my guides and support I send to others to pass through, in all directions.”

The ideal is to wear this suit every day. But should you forget to put it on, we are going to create a sign to call the suit so you’re protected when you need it. Some people will use the Star Trek thing “Shields on”, or “Shields to full”. (You don’t have to say it out loud. You can think the phrase and it will work.) Some people will use a gesture, like crossing their fingers or tapping their foot or creating a circle with their thumb and one of their fingers. Try it. Imagine the suit back in the closet. Now—use your sign. Everything back on? Good. Practice until you’re sure you didn’t forget the socks and sealing the gaps between clothes.


You’re good to go. Just remember to use the shield, especially if you’re going to be someplace crowded or going into a stressful situation. The shield should be recharged every month, or if you or someone close is going through a tough time, it might need to be reinforced more often. To reinforce and recharge it, take it off, notice the stains and the tears.

Place it into the closet you took it from and imagine gold light streaming through the top of the closet and watch as the dirt filters through the floor. It’s heading for the center of the Earth to be transformed by the planet’s molten core into compost and other things to help the planet. As soon as the suit looks and seems clean, let it run a few minutes more then take it out. Put it back on, piece by piece and restate the purpose and recreate the hand sign.

Now you and your shield are ready to go. Play safe.

If you have any questions, just ask them here, or in my Facebook group “Bohemians and Storytellers”.