

This site is for people who love stories. Stories are a type of magic. They can take something invisible from one person’s imagination and transmit it to another. Stories can help people deal with emotions that are still too deep for language. Whether it’s about dealing with mindset or learning vicariously through someone else’s experience, we need stories to unravel and make sense of our lives.



There is art all around us.


Art, like dreams, is the way the intuitive part of our minds speaks to the analytical part of our minds. But that doesn’t mean that analysis and logic can’t be beautiful. The most scientific people I’ve ever met would look at the solution to a math or physics problem and call it ‘elegant’.


Everyone creates art in some way. It can be through painting, sculpture, or literature. It can be through dance, music, or theatre. It can be through cooking a satisfying meal, decorating a room, knitting a sweater, or telling a story about something that happened at work.


We are all artists. We are all creative. But we’ve forgotten.


It starts in school when we are made to choose a path—art or science, not both. Stories become exercises in comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary. Play is regulated to fit within scheduled periods. We develop inner critics that tell us we aren’t good enough. Our work will never be in a gallery, on a bookshelf, on the radio. And we believe that voice because fame is the measure of every artist.


Or is it?


Learning to color inside the lines was meant to teach us motor skills. It wasn’t supposed to become a lifelong rule. If it makes you happy, who cares if you sing off-key. If the music moves you, who cares if you have two left feet, just dance. Go squish some clay. Break out those markers and crayons and color. Keep a journal of your favorite memories.


Creativity is our birthright.
We are all artists.